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雅痞收藏品  第 1 頁


Hobby Collections /elephants / eagles / others

        老鷹   T 恤      
Taipei Elephant Museum & Elephants World Club
Welcome to our elephant museum!  When you visit the museum, over 1,000 elephants from all over the world will surround you, made from just about every substance known to man.

The element contains many kinds of materials such as jade, bone china, gold, silver,brass,steel,wood,bamboo,stone,leather,shell,crystal,glass,plastic……etc.
You would not believe the different kinds you will find…from an elephant head to a lighter…
There are even many elephants playing merry-go-round in silver.

If you are also an elephant hobby collector, be our pleasure to join the Elephants World Club, Let us study, trade, exchange all about the elephant, One day may be the dream will come true-setting up a marvelous elephant museum.




多彩燈籠象 34x22x24cm

#6700 #6836 大象奇幻冒險--懸崖特技表演 創意巧雕(樟木) 27x22x62cm

吉祥如意 16x7.5x13cm/14x8x12cm 元寶

吉祥如意 19x8.5x18.5cm/17x9x17cm元寶


#1563 大象太陽能光波球----- Germany   #1576 印度小黑人騎象頭鼎壺(放臘燭),另外3個盤子盛煤油;可用繩子吊起,古代做為照明。
#1562 高架上大象 27x16x26cm #1554 亞洲大象頭-----28X12X26CM 銅雕 #1509 古早時代門環

#1527 象頭門把-----直徑8x6CM 銅器



#1487 馬祖酒廠 出品